Saturday, June 11, 2011

Grade Two Science Simple Machine Inventions

Please check out the project form that grade 2 students recently completed. Some amazing scientific creations were invented!

Explaining it to others helped to solidify our learning goals.  Well done grade 2 students!

Name: __________________________________________
My Simple Machine Worksheet
1.        The Name of my machine:

2.        The material I used to build my machine:
3.       My machine makes work easier by:

4.       This Person helped me build my machine:

5.        When I built my machine, I learned:
6.        Now that my machine is finished, I wonder:

*Students will need to be able to answer the following questions during their presentation to the class:  1.  My machine is called….                 2.  The work it does to make things easier is….
3.  My machine has these 2 or more simple machine in it…..


Simple Machines Evaluation:
Science                                                                           Levels:                                     1           2          3           4
Student uses science vocabulary to describe machine

Student demonstrates an understanding of how the simple machines in their project work

Students communicates written components clearly, including diagrams where appropriate (name of machine, materials used, work machine does, who helped to build the machine, what student learned, I wonder question)

Student used at least two simple machines in design of their machine

The machine worked

Teacher Anecdotal comments: (Next Steps)


Oral Presentation:                                      Levels:                                                   1               2           3         4
Student spoke in a clear voice that could easily be heard

Message was in proper sequence

Student was confident standing in front of the class

Student shows evidence of practicing the message

Teacher Anecdotal comments: (Next Steps)

                                                    1                               2                                       3                        4
Rubric Key Meaning of Levels:
Very limited performance of skill
Performs skill with errors
Performs skill with limited or no errors
Performs skill beyond expectation

Simple Machines Take Home Project:

Due Date: ___________________________________
Background Information:
A simple machine is something that makes work easier.  Simple machines make lifting, pulling, pushing, joining and splitting easier.  In grade two, we are learning about:
*Wedge -has a pointed end, like the tip of a nail.  This is used to split things in two (like an axe), or prop thins open (like a door stop)
*Lever – a bar that is straight or bent, pushing down on one end makes the other move up, like a see-saw.  Levers can help us move heavy objects.  Examples are brooms, shovels.  Examples of double levers are scissors or pliers.
*Pulley – a pulley is a grooved wheel with a rope around it.  Pulleys help us raise or lower a load.  Examples are a clothesline, and a flagpole.
*Wheel and axle – a wheel that turns around a stick or bar can be used to help carry things.  Examples are skateboards, and bicycles.
*Inclined plane – a ramp that lets us raise heavy things without lifting them straight up.  Ramps and stairs are an example.
*Screw – is used to hold things together.  This is a type of inclined plane.  Examples include screw, and lids on jars (with threading).
Each student is to create a machine that does work to make a job easier.  The machine needs to be a combination of at least 2 simple machines from the list above.  Students need to be able to describe what the machine does, and how it works.  Examples might include a pet food dispenser or a cart to carry items from place to place in the house.
Happy creating!

Teacher and Student Resource List:
Collection of various books within our library collection to demonstrate the function and uses of Simple Machines:
Science for emergent readers Series by Susan Canazares
Titles:  (Wheels, Push Pull , Simple Machines etc.)
Getting to know Simple Machines by Karen Volpe
 Titles:  (Levers, Wedges, Screws, Pulleys, Wheels and Axels, Incline Planes)
Audio and Visual Resouces: (has several short but meaningful demos of simple machines)
Websites/Site Server Programmes:  (experiments to demo simple machines collected from various sources)  (although above grade 2 level, great for ideas and demos)
Sammy’s Science House (on server …work bench section)
Check future posts for exemplars of student work.

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