Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Welcome back to our returning families and welcome to our new families! We are looking forward to a busy year. Students will be signing out new library books during the first five day schedule. All students are encouraged to READ the books they sign out and return them to exchange for a new one when they are finished. There will be daily sign in and out times for books (grade 3/4 to 8) so READ, READ, READ!
Our primary students will be bringing home a new book each week. Please enjoy reading it with, to and by your child. Return library books on designated library days for a new one.
We have Big Kids Entertainment(live theater) coming this month thanks to our School Council, and Jane and Nelly from the Kindness Programme (free of charge to us) coming to teach us about kindness to animals. Also, due to the Aviva taping on Thursday, September 27th our Annual Fall Usborne Books Literacy Fair/ Meet the Teacher Evening – Cameron Street Public School – Collingwood has been cancelled.
Claire, a grade 3 student at our school, chose to have donations to our Cameron Library as one of her wishes, instead of birthday gifts at her summer party. As a result we have several new Thea Stilton Books to add to our collection. A BIG THANK YOU to Clair and her birthday guests.
These are only a few of the exciting events planned for our Cameron Students.
Get active and involved! There are lots of great opportunities for you!
Let the 2012 school year begin!